No. It’s totally free and you don’t even need a credit card to try the entirely operational account you receive. You just can’t export the forms until you sign up for a package.
Everyone benefits from CryptoTax because it helps you accurately compute your taxes and then we show you how to save up to 10-20% off of your tax liability. Many organizations use CryptoTax to improve their tax liability and provide savings with a much better and pleasing experience than our competitors.
It is left to you to decide if you want to upgrade to a plan with continued and full access to your account. You will be assisted by a CryptoTax consultant who can help you understand all your results and accordingly suggests the best package for your tax needs.
Crypto Taxes are so much easier now thanks to CryptoTax!
You can now use CryptoTax for a fast and easy experience!
CryptoTax offers the additional benefit of integrating with exchanges which in turn maintains a certain level of consistency in the reporting process and create a more integrated experience, saving you both time and money. .